St. Brendan Cub Scout Pack 859

St. Brendan Catholic Church

Scout Night is over, but the volunteering goes on!  Parents, we still need your help.

Through your volunteering efforts your child's scouting experience will become the best possible ever.  Our Pack relies on the help of its parents to continue providing fun and educational support.  Please talk with your Den Leader or the Cubmaster regarding how you and your spouse can help out our children through one of the following committees.  And don't be shy about suggesting a committee of your own--your support is valuable in any way you choose.  Our children will thank you many times over.

Fund Raising

By helping to raise donations, you will become a special contributor to Pack 859.  We use the donations to encourage our scouts to participate to their fullest in all our activities.  Besides, it never hurts to give our kids a little extra, does it?
Membership This committee thinks of ways to increase Pack 859's membership of both boys and adult volunteers.  The neat thing about scouting is that once you get involved, you can't stop!  There are so many fun things to do with our kids that the ideas keep on flowing and the fun never stops.  Help us share our world with all the boys of St. Brendan Church.  Like Garfield says, "You can never have too much fun!"
Public Relations Let's get the word out about scouting at St. Brendan Church!  Articles in the newspaper (including photos), the local news station stopping by one of our many events, promoting what we do to the public is what this committee is all about.  We like to have fun - why not let others know about it?  Sometimes it's OK to toot your own horn.
Internal Communications Why let each den do their own thing?  Why not get together and share the experience?   Scouting is a journey.  We start at the Tiger Cub level and before you know it, it's Webelos time.  As we (scouts and families) take the scouting journey we will meet and become friends of all members of Pack 859.  Some of those will have done what we are about to do, others will be getting ready to do what we have done.  Why not share our experiences with each other so that the journey is just a little easier?   And if it is easier, it will be more fun as well.  Maybe a newsletter or updated Web site is just the thing this committee will be working on.  We're just waiting for your ideas!
Advancement/Awards One of the best things about scouting is earning awards and advancing through the ranks. This committee will assist with all award and advancement ceremonies not including religious awards.  Last year our scouts earned a record number of awards.  This year we should do even better.
Religious St. Brendan Church Pack 859 Cub Scouts take religious awards, ceremonies, and projects seriously.  God is an integral part of the scouting program and it is that through Him we come together and do the things we do.  This committee will assist in coordinating our religious program so that God remains the spearhead of everything we think, do, and say.
Family Did you know that the scouts family can earn an award?  That's right.  It's called the Boy Scouts of America Family Award.  It is earned by families that participate in scouting.  This committee coordinates families in their journey to the BSA Family Award as well as encouraging family involvement and providing a means for families to provide input into the scouting program.
Blue & Gold February is the month when each scout that has fulfilled all necessary achievements advances in the ranks to the next level.  Tiger Cubs become a Wolf, Wolves move to Bears, and Bears become Webelos.  This is a special occasion for all scouts because this is the time when all the work and effort pays off.  This committee puts together the banquet and entertainment for the evening.  Based on past Blue & Gold events, this is a wonderful family event.
Pinewood Derby What is scouting without a Pinewood Derby?  Nothing!  Each January Pack 859 converts the multipurpose room at the St. Brendan School into a race track complete with banners, refreshments, and screaming crowds of scouts and families rallying around the track cheering on their favorite drivers.  Trophies and awards are presented to the fastest cars, best of show, and maybe even the funniest contender.  You can't miss this event!


The neat thing about each of these committees is that they can be as big or as small as the committee members make them.   Their success is dependant upon the involvement of each member.  Can we count on your help this year?


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